We Raised the Beds


We raised the beds 4

The beds are raised.  The garden beds that is. If you remember, back in February, I posted about raising a garden and building garden beds. You can go back here and read that post if you need to catch up.  In that post I showed you pictures of our dream garden. How we wanted it to look, etc.  Well, I’m happy to report that it is coming along nicely.

Lettuce in the trough.jpg

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“The Katharine”


There is a new restaurant coming to town. Due to open late April, “The Katharine,” named for the R.J. Reynolds family matriarch, is located in the Reynolds Building on the corner of 4th and Main.  The Katharine Brasserie & Bar will have an art deco style with the menu of grand French café and a little southern cuisine added in as well. Continue reading

Hair Transition Finale

It is finally over. It took exactly one year. 12 months from the last of the dye. The red, the brown, the very dark brown (almost black) then the blonde.  I can truthfully say that I love it!  There were days during the first 3-4 months when I wondered if I was strong enough to withstand the line of demarcation but once you get past a certain point you can rest. It’s all easy from there.

In December 2014 we had dyed it so dark brown that it was almost black. My hair looked very harsh and I knew the transition wouldn’t be easy and would be very obvious. I was chasing my roots to the salon every four-six weeks.

fifi dark hair (2)

We shortened and highlighted in the beginning. The picture below was taken in June of 2015. This is my best friend Sharon. I never realized how close in color our hair was until I just looked at this picture.  Our hair has never even been near the same color and I’ve had every color in the book.  Believe me…

felicia june 2015

In December 2015, (one year from the darkest hair of all time) the picture below is where I was.  You can see the blonde fringes around my face.

fifi gray hair

And now, April 2016 (because I’m late in posting) you can see the final transition.

last gray do

I have some crazy streaks and colors but I think that’s what makes us all unique. Your hair will be a different color of gray than mine. I’ve heard people say, and I’ve said it myself, “if I knew my hair would be as pretty as yours I would do it.”   I seriously had no idea what color/shade I would end up with.  As I was transitioning to my natural color the one thing that I tried to focus on and remember was this: no one could perfect the color that my creator designed just for me.  All I needed to do was be patient, wait and see what He designed for just me.

No matter what anyone else says or thinks, you are beautiful. No matter what hair color you choose, whether it’s your natural color or a bottle/box color, you are beautiful.  I have a friend who, I believe, is gorgeous.  She is constantly getting compliments on her looks. One day I heard someone tell her she was so pretty and she said “My mom always said, ‘pretty is as pretty does.'” It’s what is on the inside that makes us beautiful on the outside.  Be your best self. Be who God created you to be. Let His love shine through you.

I Peter 3:4b …but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.

It’s just an Average Day on Everidge, Fifi


  • Morgan Howell @ Ego Hour Hair Designers Morgan was with my decision all the way. She was super supportive and made the transition fun and exciting along the way. She is awesome.
  • Sonja Broome, my ever so patient aunt, who is a retired hairdresser. She was my hairdresser for over 30 years before retiring. She helped me through the rough spots, over and over again. 
  • Kristen Harris, my precious, very matter of fact, outspoken daughter, who loves me in spite of my insecurities and many times says the hard stuff that I need to hear.  I know that no matter what, she has my back.
  • Kayla Harris, my sweet daughter in law (a hairdresser) who has been ever so complimentary and supportive of this endeavor.
  • Brad Harris, my precious son who tells his mom that she is beautiful no matter what color her hair is.
  • My sweet mom and dad for always telling me that I’m beautiful.
  • My friend Sharon, who has been in this with me from the beginning. We’ve had some major life transitions in the middle of it but we’re still hanging on strong. 
  • And last but not least, my most patient and kind husband, James. He has been here through the thick and thin of it.  “Should I cut it?” “Should I let it grow?”  “Is it ugly?” “Should I color it?” “Oh my goodness, I can’t stand it another minute.” “My hair!”  “I think it looks ok, what do you think?” I could go on and on.  I’m sure he is glad that this chapter is done.  He has never once said that I look older or asked me to please not talk about it anymore. He just patiently listens and encourages me. Something that he does so well.  Thank you, sweetie.  I love you!

Entering His Presence

Priase Him

I’ve learned a lot over the past few months. One thing I’ve learned; praise Him.  I’ve learned to praise Him no matter where I am. No matter what is going on. No matter what I’m doing. Praise Him when things are great. Praise Him when things are, well…not so great.  Praise Him in the morning, noon and evening. Praise Him in my rising, praise him in my lying down. Praise Him in my coming in. Praise Him in my going out.  The more you praise Him, the more you want to praise Him. Praising Him becomes your first language. You find yourself talking to Him and praising Him without even recognizing that you’re doing it.  It is what we were born to do. I’m reminded of a little chorus we sang as children, “Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him in the noon time. Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him when the sun goes down.”    Continue reading